Operations on numeric and Boolean data
Click on the option which you think is the best answer to the question.
Question 1
When the program below was run, the number 1.6 was printed.The  code that should be written in the line beginning  Z =  is... X = 5 Y = 8 Z = Print Z
Z = X / Y
Z = X * Y
Z = Y / X
Z = X + Y
When the program below was run, the number 1.6 was printed.The variable Z has a data type of... X = 5 Y = 8 Z = Y / X Print Z
Question 2
A Real data type.
Question 3
A variable which can have either of the two values True or False has...
An Integer data type.
A Boolean data type.
A String data type.
Look at the following code that checks if a person is old enough to drive. legalAge = 17 Input age bool canDrive = (age >= legalAge) Print canDrive If a user inputs their age as 17 then the expected output would be...
Question 4
A Boolean expression results in a value of either true or false.Complex boolean expressions use operators to combine simpler expressions. Look at the expression below: ( score >= 69 && score <= 90) The operator && makes the expression return the true value...
If either side is true (or if both are true).
Question 5
If both sides are false.
Only if both sides are true.
If either side is false (or if both are false).